are there limitations on what will and what will not operate on code 83?


rolling stock?

anyone had any trouble with it?

im going to lay code 83 on my layout and was wondering this

Most modern stuff will work just fine.

I have some very old Rivarossi engines that won’t even run on Code 100. Some of my cheap old (1960’s) rolling stock with large flanges might not work on Code 83.

I am presently building my layout and I am using Atlas code 83 track and all my locomotives and cars are modern so there is no problem at all.

Rolling stock you can buy now have usual RP 25 wheels. This will run on code 83 track, on code 70 and even on code 55 track.


IT SEEMS Everything sold ‘as new’ today works on code 83 - code 55.

ONLY Old Rivarossi or European made products using wheels with oversized ‘cookie cutter’ flanges (and offered on E bay) require Code 100 or ‘00’ rail .

That’s one of the things benefitted from our NMRA, AND Recommended Practice (RP)25. Most Rolling stock with non-NMRA wheels can be improved by just replacing the trucks for $6.

Rivarossi Passenger car wheel replacements are another matter. 36" wheels do not fit, The best answer is IHC’'s metal trucks, ‘adapters’, and KD or McHenry ‘plug-in’ couplers.

I laid Atlas code 83 flex track, #6 turnouts and code 83 re-railers on my last layout. Some of my Blue Box Athearn locomotives ran fine on the flextrack but would derail on the turnouts. The wheel flanges would also bump along the bottom of the re-railers . The locos I specifically remember doing this were the SD45s and the S12s. I caught the problem early so I ended up removing the only four turnouts and four re-railers and installing code 100 items in their place. J.R.

Don is right as usual, and chances are if you have equipment that old, replacing the trucks will make it look and run better.