Are we OK?

It’s time to play, SPOT THE LOONEY!

But better to be a bit looney than dull and sane…[;)][;)] poke, poke, [:D]

After 60 years of avoiding art I am now proudly going to Michaels, Hobby Lobby, United Art & Education. I now know the difference between raw umber and burnt sienna and the difference between a #0 brush and a #3 and proud of it!!! I am also carefully looking at sidewalks, streets, bridge construction and many other things I never noticed before. Model Railroading, the most mind expanding hobby!!!


I consider myself quite sane. It’s all of those other guys I see at train shows that are the loonies. [:D]

Of course we are. All those females standing outside the florists when I enter once a month thiinking, “Oh more flowers for his wife, isn’t it Romantic?” And then I come out with a bag full of used floral foam to take home to the Cuisinart and make more ground cover.

Hey, we’re all just FINE!


After seeing what the rest of you guys look like in MRR, I’m, beginning to doubt myself! At least it isn’t dolls!

Are we OK? Thats the main question?

There’s no way we’re OK…are you nuts? Oh wait, I guess that brings us back to the question, doesn’t it?

Use them to occupy the stalls in your rest room model.

At least one should be tapping his shoes.