[philosophical mode] Is your current railroad just a practice session or the real thing? Are there “stages” of model railroading?
I look at some of the more famous model railroads and think, wow, that must be graduation. Can that be attained? Will the practice pay off? My optimistic side says maybe. [:D]
I’ve got this retirement plan in mind (thanks Rexhea ). That’s a way off, I just turned 40, but I think what we’ve done so far is just a fancy practice session for the “real thing”. I’m imagining the Rio Grande coming to life in a very realistic way.
Where are you in all this? Are you happy where you are, or do you look forward to graduation too? I don’t see any reason a modeler can’t enjoy a 4x8 from now on. That said, why is the drive so compelling to build the “ultimate” model railroad empire?
Right now, I’m training LGM for the build I forsee coming. Heck, when he’s 30, I’ll need his energy to crawl around on the floor building the benchwork.[:D] [/philosophical mode]