There has been some talk from Lionel about getting new folks into trains. To that end they produce the electric Thomas set, NASCAR sets, and this year had sets in Target and some high brow department stores.
So here is my question for all you newbies. Did you start with one of the above mentioned sets? If not, what got you going on O gauge trains?
I’m sort of new to the O guage hobby. I was visiting with my parents over the Christmas holiday and was going through some of my things from my childhood and found my train set along with my Uncle’s early post war set. I decided to do some research into modern equipment and sets and made a purchase last week.
No, I didn’t go with any of the sets you mentioned. I’ll be honest…I’m not much into the theme sets like Nascar, harry potter, Thomas etc. However, I saw the value in starting with a set so I would get a transformer and some track to get things started. I decided on the Lionmaster Canadian Pacific Freight set. I understand the Lionmaster sets are just slightly smaller than scale (shorter was what I was told and shown). The set came with an 80w transformer. I want to stick with the standard size for the most part and all the rolling stock are all standard size and I’m pleased with my purchase.
I do plan to grow my layout, accessories, equipment etc. I’m hooked again…I plan on bringing my old trains back with me when I go visit at Easter.
I’m pretty new to this myself. I started with the Lionel North Pole Central set, which my wife bought for me as an early Christmas gift so that I coudl set it up and play with my daughter. Theres about 10 more sets that I really like, none of which I can afford right now, lol.
In the meantime I might get some cheap flat cars and gondolas at train shows that I can customize with my daughter so she can put her toys on them and play with them.
Can’t really claim to be new, but I did start with Lionel - lithographed steel (aka ‘tinplate’) O27 with hook-and-slot couplers. Don’t ask me for more details; I was only five months old at the time.
That was 69 Christmases ago. I’ve been a railfan and model railroader ever since.
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September 1964 - with Japanese 1:80 scale tinplate cars)
I started a year ago with a MTH R-T-R set. I liked the detail and scale of the set and the fact that the engine was PS2. After it was demonstrated, I knew I was going to get DCS in short order.
Husband gave me a Lionel Pennsy Flyer RTR set for Christmas a couple of years ago for around the tree. Last year I didn’t want to put it away after Christmas - so there we go - a new hobby to share with the grandson and something for me to do while he was off hunting! Got hooked really bad!
I have had my new set for about 2 weeks now. It is a Lionel Union Pacific Fast Freight Steamer with trainsounds. I bought it for my 6 year old son and I to have something fun to do together. I never had a train set as a child and always thought as an adult that I had missed out in the train fun as a child myself. I wanted my son to experience something I did not have and I must admit that I wanted the train set for myself even if my son was not interested in trains. I should report that he loves playing with the new set as much as I do.
I have already built a temporary 4 X 8 table to get the track off the floor and have some more track and switches on the way. I like the looks and the ease of the FasTrack. I like the way the FastTrack goes together easily as I am not interested in the “building” of the track. I just want to run my train for now and add some accessories and scenery later on when I can build a more permanant layout.
My interest in trains happened about a month ago when I watched a show on History’s Lost and Found. The show was about Lionels first train that was in a department store window and that peaked my interest so I started researching more about Lionel and the rest is history. I am now hooked with my son into a great hobby that I wish I had started as a boy, heck playing with trains makes me feel like a young boy again even though I am 43 years young.
Good first-set choices by all who posted here. A lot depends on budget and individual interests, of course, but all of those sets listed thus far are reliable ones that should serve well. I’m far too old, and have been in the hobby for too long, to list a set here (it was actually a Lionel postwar Santa Fe passenger set, with 2343 A-A F3 units), but I still buy starter sets from time to time because I like–and run–traditional-size trains.
This set turned my head as well…nice looking engine! I have been into early post war for the past year…getting another transformer, and fastrack, didn’t seem worth it. I really like my tubular track, and I recently purchased too many post war switches (15) (currently using 10) to turn back now.
Well, I guess I fall into this category. I’ll tell it in pictures:
What set did I buy?
What got me into trains?
Well, that’s me in the stripes 4th generation, my father unloading a log with the robot arm 3rd generation, off my grandfather’s post war Berkshire 2nd generation.
BTW, last night I talked with my wife about making a weekend trip with my son to Michigan to go see this.
The Pere Marquette 1225’s blueprints were used in the design of the Polar Express, as well as the engine number, they make excursion runs on the weekends. So we may very well drive 8 hours to go see her.
We are leaving for a week at Shush (sp?) mountain…(close to Traverse City) I’d love to see it! Right now we were planning to visit Holland in August for the Loco tour.
I have been collecting since 1995 with Lionel Postwar O guage…but have loved trains since i was about 4 years old…my first set was a fisher price plastic train set back in the 1980’s…it was so cool…i still have to this day…i had all the add-ons too…then i got a Z scale train set then an N scale train set then an HO scale train set…and then in 1995 i started with my first O gauge train set…it was a 2046 hudson…hooked ever since…I have had almost ever scale there is…Z, N, HO, O, S…no garden train yet!!..will soon…when i have a garden…lol…my dad had a 681 turbine set when he was a kid in the 1950’s so i bought the exact set he had for myself for him to see run…it brings a tear to his eye when he sees me playing with my trains…we both enjoy trains…i have since expanded my train collection…lost count of how many engines and assessories i have…well…thats all i can say about that…nice topic…thanks
I got into this part of the hobby with the Lionel Ballyhoo Circus trainset back in 2000. It was a hoot with a lion chasing tamer gon and bobbing clown head car.
New I year ago. My son received the Thomas set for Christmas '05. I received the Cascade Range set for my birthday April '06. (I really like that Docksider)
I am new as of two Christmases ago because my three grown children clubbed together to buy me a Lionel Disney set, an Atlantic and three coaches. I would never have gotten into O gauge again but for them because the startup price was just over the limit of my mad money and anyway I did it all in clockwork O then Hornby OO years and years ago and thought the ‘bug’ was out of my system. Also I started out in England and had no knowledge of American trains (or their terminology!) so I wasn’t really tempted with what I saw on offer.
However, that simple set showed me what I’d been missing and when I went to Trainland to get some more track and saw and heard the new sounds and the amazing detail, well it was all over really. I’m living in one room of a friends house and really dont have any space except the floor but funnily enough that was somehow even more attractive I guess because it reminded me of my childhood. Also my friends daughter whom I am bringing up for them till she starts full time school, went nuts over my trains, I mean every day its “Mike can we play trains? Can we, can we, can we?”
I would never have chosen this Disney set for myself BTW I prefer goods to passengers, I would probably have started with a Pacific based set (if there is one) or the little logging engine set. However even if my kids hadn’t suckered me back into the hobby I’d have never been able to resist a Hogwarts set, I’ll get that when it comes out whatever it takes, even if I have to sell something precious to me.