Are You Retired Yet?

Ttrig, you gotta move to a new State! I’ve got so much to do I feel that work is really a waste of time for me. I’ve got the garden RR, a small HO indoor, Lionell in the room over the garage, Mopar hot rod, '50 plymouth resto, British motorcycles, swimming pool, a great beach, local attractions etc etc etc. When do I have time to work??? Just can’t afford to retire right now (I have my retirement/discharge packet in my briefcase at all times just in case of emergency), but I’m working on it, oh yes, I’m working on it…

[:)] OCT 1st …41 years in the power plants , had enough fun , going to stay home now , play with the trains , save on gas money .[:)]

Yes, but not bye choice.

I do enjoy staying home and playing with the trains.

Have Fun: Jeff [8D]

Yes. Retired full time in 2002. But I worked part-time (20-30 hours) for a couple years before that.

If I could find a job that was interesting and that would allow me to come in when I wanted to, I’d gladly go back to work for a few more years. Most retired folks I talk to say pretty much the same thing; " I miss interacting with other people on a regular basis ". So unless you volunteer and are out there every day, you might want to think real hard about about taking full retirement.


I’m working on it! Have 11 working days left.

Many, many years to retirement, actually I plan to never retire unless I have to, even if I win the lotto, I would still work (admittedly less hours), but then again I love what I do, and I have noticed in my line of work (medical) that retirement can dangerous to your health. I havent ever seen a good study on the subject, but from what I have seen, those who retire with no new occupation that demands their time, attention, requires them to think, and get up in the morning, ie a “job.” Such as a serious hobby they commit to it like it was a job -this group often says they cant see how they ever had time to work…, of the rest many soon seem lost and their future appears bleak, in my opinion, they seem to pass away soon (6 months to 2 years after retirement), or else start to show real signs of decreased mental capacity within that same time frame… I believe we are designed to work our entire lives (for pay isnt required), once we quit our bodies sense we are no longer useful and give up. Over the last 8 years I have seen this played out repeatedly, with exceptions of course (but I believe those exceptions had I hobby they didnt tell me about). Of course those on this forum would be in the “employed” group as this hobby definately meets the requirements…

I plan to retire in 30-35 years…

Yes I retired in Oct of 05 and loving every minuite of it. Don’t know where I found the time to work on my RR and play. I spent 43 years working now its time to play. I’ve been in the rail insustry all that time and thats why I love trains. Later RJD[:)]