Aristo turnout reliability

Hello all.

I am a new guy that will hopefully begin construction on my first garden railroad soon. I’m thinking that I want to use Aristo SS track; the main reason being availibility compared to LGB.

Anyway, my goal is to replicate D&RGW narrow gauge of sorts. My question is: will Aristo turnouts work with 1:20.3 steam locos and AMS rollingstock?

I’m thinking to use #6’s on the main, and the wide’s for spur lines and the yard. I have received mixed reviews (ALL helpful) on Aristo’s product. I have not had input from anyone running the equipment that I’d like to run.

Any ideas?



hi mate i have tried running accucraft locos through aristo no 6 points and the problem i have is accucraft locos wheel profiles are a bit to semi finescale for aristo frog and check rail back to back spaceings i ended up handlaying my points to suit

I handlay my aristo brass track; then you can make better switches

I have AristoCraft brass and stainless steel turnouts and have no problems at all with Bachmann 1:20.3 scale locomotives going through them.

Most of my rolling stock is Bachmann 1:20.3 or scratch built 1:20.3 narrow gauge with various brands of trucks and wheelsets and they, too, have been trouble free through Aristo turnouts.

I have the AMS 1:20.3 cattle car set, but changed the wheelsets to Gary Raymond ball-bearing ones because the stock AMS trucks had really horrible rolling characteristics.

I also run a live steam Mimi 2-4-2 with tender through the AristoCraft turnouts with no problems. The only piece of LGB track I own is a crossover because Aristo didn’t make what I needed.

The only problem I have ever encountered with the AristoCraft turnouts is that the points or throwbar sometimes stick and the points have to be nudged into position, but I think this may be true with any brand of turnout used outdoors.

Hi you would be better using LGB, if you look on ebay there is plenty availible its far better then the other so shop around. buy what you are going to be happy with in 6-12 months time. No point in having to change it all next year

Thanks to all for your suggestions. In the short time that I have been on this forum, it never ceases to amaze me how helpful everyone is. Again many thanks.

I received a AMS short caboose as a gift last month. Great detail- I totally agree on the rolling characteristics. I am planning on adding more AMS cars, along with some of the kits Hartford is offering; I will replace the stock wheels will bearings.

As far as locos, I am interested in Bachmann’s Shay, the “rumored” K-27, and Accucraft’s C or K series offerings. I am glad to hear that it seems the 1:20.3 products will work with several track combinations.

I hope to start digging by the end of the month. Stay tuned…pictures to follow!

Brief update:

I took the plunge a bought Aristo ss track today. Among the goodies that followed me home were 2 #6 and 3 #4 turnouts. I did a little experiment using my Accucraft short caboose; I put a #6 with a few 3 foot sections. The caboose went through the turnout alright…sometimes it derailed. I then tried an LGB boxcar with the standard plastic wheels; it was very smooth.

Is the problem with the Accucraft due to the small flange?? Will replacing the wheels correct this issue?

I’m hoping this is an easy fix.

As always, any input is greatly appreciated.


Check your wheel gauge before anything else… use a set of verniers, or the kadee gauge, or the Aristo gauge.

If you use the Kadee gauge, be sure to try to center the flanges in the notches… it’s pretty sloppy, the Aristo gauge is much better.

99% of the time stock wheelsets are out of gauge. USAT cars are always wrong, Aristo usually… the only manufacturer I’ve ever had be exactly in gauge is Accucraft’s new AML box cars.

Regards, Greg