Aristocraft 4-6-2 pacific, P'nP with 75mhz Ob install, help....anyone?

I have a pacific I am trying to install the 75mhz ob reciever. I have the transmitter, I have a Li battery, I have sierra sound, currently installed for track power, I am trying to get it to be all R/C’ed. I am wondering if anyone here has the same set up and if they could give me some pointers.

or anyone close to the Vermont area that has done one that could lend me a hand.



Hi Ondrek, Try talking to the maker of the loco you may find they have a page you can down load or any goos store should be able to offer advice

I’m not sure where you’re having problems. If it’s the “new style” pacific the 75 mhz receiver just drops into the slot. Then you connect the code set switch, set the frequency, and it’s running. it takes more time to open the boiler than it does to install the decoder. If it’s a new Pacific it should also already be set up to run on batteries. Sometimes the “track/battery” switches inside the cab are mislabled and work opposite what they say.

To trigger the sounds on the Sierra card you need the accessory switch. It’s part number CRE55495 and it looks like this:

I have one installed in a USA trains loco with a Phoenix sound card. 75 mhz onboard, accessory switch, Phoenix card, but track power. I can trigger the bell and the horn, but nothing else. I’m not sure how it would be with Sierra. But the CRE55495 plugs into the 75 mhz decoder, using a cable that comes with the CRE55495. You just plug the cable into the socket on the decoder and the socket on the CRE55495, and then the CRE55495 has screw terminals so you can run wires to the appropriate inputs on the Sierra board. The hard part will be finding the CRE55495.

lownote- I have all the parts, yes it should be simple, I guess, I am just asking for a bit of pointers that might not be covered in any of the instructions. I do have the accessory card too.

My biggest issue is time, I really want to have a block of time that will allow me to start the project and finish it in the same day, if I leave the project mid stream, its possible I wont get back to it for a few weeks. and in that time frame, parts could go missing.
