Well today was a nice spring day and we wanted to do some camping…so we decided to take a lil trip down to the southern part of Wisconsin down by the busy CP mainline and to the Army Base of Fort McCoy to see how there operations worked…We got permission to go all over the base and get some pix where other people can’t get with out getting in trouble…So our story begins at the campsite down by the CP mainline…
Here we are setting up camp chopping some trees and stumps
Then we decided when we got the camp all set up we then would go into the base and as we were turning to go onto the base we were treated with a CP East Bound headed towards Chicago
The power of todays CP Train
As we wait for the CP train to pass we see that this was a hot auto train
As soon as the train cleared and the gates went up we drove on up to the main gates
As we drove up we took note of the nice billboards that they have set up to show the men and women who serve our country
We then take not of the sign that says show ID…Got the ID ready
Pulled up to the gate and showed our ID and they said "We were expecting you…Wear this badge and put this on your mirror in your car so the MP’s don’t stop you when you are on private property"h
We then drove on into the gates and started to drive around the base…We then seen some construction going on in the base…Wonder what happened