Arrests expected in Lac-Mégantic derailment

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Arrests expected in Lac-Mégantic derailment

The Canadian officials are straight and true in punishing bad actors. The U.S and it’s officials could learn something from this, instead of the contradictions and lack of enforcement by “promoting” industry while allegedly regulating it. By contrast the back room deal is our version of justice.

“I think this has been totally blown out of proportion due to the public spot light this has gotten. As long as humans are in charged of things there will always be accidents.”
I think you should express that sentiment directly to the victims of this catastrophe.

I think this has been totally blown out of proportion due to the public spot light this has gotten. As long as humans are in charged of things there will always be accidents. They have made so many changes to all industries, including the railroad over the years, but still accidents happen. We all are human. I work for the railroad, I have made mistakes day in and day out. Some of the mistakes I have made I have been lucky there hasn’t been worse reaction, but when people are pushed day in and day out by these industries, people are going to make mistakes, sometimes just due to fatigue. It is sad someone’s mistake took so many lives in this wreck, but the fact remains, this was an accident by 1 person. Trust me they can changes all kinds of rules in the railroad industry, but there will still be another mistake and big accident. The day there isn’t a car accident on the highways, then maybe we will have enough regulations and have things so computerized that we will then stop all human factors that can cause accidents in all industries.

So arrests can be made over this derailment, but no arrests over the BP spill in the Gulf?

Quebec civil code. As opposed to innocent until proven guliy in a court of law. Big differences is how a case is charged. Please note that Quebec courts do not use English common law procedures. It will be interesting to see who is charged with what.

“IAN NARITA from Arkansas said:
Quebec civil code. As opposed to innocent until proven guliy in a court of law. Big differences is how a case is charged. Please note that Quebec courts do not use English common law procedures. It will be interesting to see who is charged with what.”

You sure about that? Didn’t French criminal law with its antiquated ability to presume guilt until proven innocent get thrown out when the Quebec Act was passed by British Parliament before the American Revolution in 1774?

The Quebec criminal law is based on the English criminal law. Therefore, innocent until proved guilty. The Quebec civil law is French-based.

Here I understand we’re dealing with criminal investigations, hence innocent until proved guilty.

This is like arresting the pilot after the plane crashes. None of this was on purpose.

Arresting a large number of people with a questionable connection to the accident is basically a witch hunt to make people feel good. Finding root causes so future accidents can be prevented is more productive.

Mr. Guse of Illinois is absolutely correct. The 1774 Quebec Act did impose British Common Law in matters of criminal cases…in 1982 Canada rafffirmed the concept of innocence until proven guilty throughout Canada. That being said, many aviation and transportation safety experts oppose attaching criminality to accidents that are truly accidental. France, for years attempted to place criminal blame on a US airline and aircraft manufacturer for FOD causing a Concorde crash and Brazil attempted to try a US aircrew for a mid-air collision. Such investigations that seek to declare fault rather than determine cause inhibit discussion and reporting of unsafe practices that may not be in themselves negligent. For instance, in the Lac Megantic tragedy it appears the magnitude of the tragedy was caused by a chain of events - unless the engineer had been drinking, using drugs, etc. it would be hard to determine negligence in his application of the hand brakes. Likewise, if MM&A was within Canadian and Provincial regs on operating with a one person crew, who is negligent? the MM&A or the government?

Sooo … probably not sabotage like Burkhardt pretended?

Forty-seven people died. A large part of a town was destroyed. If it was your loved ones. Your town. What would you want done?

Watch Ed Burkhardt try to lie his way out of this one!


I would like to.know if the engineer did a FRA BRAKETEST on the train. If so how can he be responsible for the derailment. I think he is going to go down for it. A two man crew is better then one there is a check and recheck in place with a two man crew. So it may make some people mad but that the way it is.two man crew is better.

“BRADEN KAYGANICH from Michigan said:

I see you have taken the least amount of time to collect your thoughts…a real class act.

I honestly think a machine moderates these posts!

We’ll see how true this is if the report that fire crews turned off the locomotive before putting out the fire there are true. Some lawyer could make the case that if the loco was still running, the airbrakes wouldn’t have bled off, etc., etc., etc. Let’s see if the Provincial Police will arrest the fire crews as well.

Sadly, this tragedy is like so many others where one mistake leads to another with catastrophic results and were the people in charge should know better.