As a Reminder! Daylight savings time ends this Weekend.

Remember to set your Clock BACK one hour this Saturday night. All you Modelers out there have a great weekend. Allan.

Does this mean I’ll have more time for modelling?

Great…Thanx for bummin me out[V]. I think we need to end that nonsence. The cows don’t like it!

Daylight saving - what’s dat???

Oh - yeh -
We had a couple of trial summers of “daylight saving” some years back but was lost at referendum…

Would have been nice to have the extra daylight at the end of the working day now that summer is almost upon us…

Hmmmm - should have mentioned that here in Australia summer is almost upon us.

Oh man! now I gotta redo the operations timetable. Wait! No the layout is still in the first week of August, 1925. I guess it will still be daylight savings there. No, lets see, when did Dayligyht Savings first start? Oh man, you mean I’ve been an hour off all these years??? I’m confused. Hmmmmmmm, something else to try and figure out today??? [:D] [:D] [:D]

Starting in 2007, daylight savings time will be extended some 30 days at the beginning and at the end. This is our government’s plan so far to ease our country’s energy problems. (Don’t get me started)

I’m glad for the extra hour of sleep Saturday. I have to get up way early on Sunday to go to a 10 hour long paint ball gun battle in Pennsylvania with a bunch of kids … something about the Russians storming a Nazi held castle in Romania … I’m going to be sore on Mondya, dang.


Not everywhere.

So you live in Queensland right?

So what do the cows use for a clock?

I really wish we just ran on the same time year round - GMT here. I’d rather go to work an hour later than have to go around changing every clock in the house!

I just wi***hat man would stop screwing around with time and leave well enough alone. Allan.

Nope - the other side of the country - sunny western Australia in what’s probably the world’s most isolated city - 2.5hrs by plane to the nearest centre >500,000 people.

I’m not sure but dairy farmers complain about their cows “routine” being thrown off for a while and milk production going down. It’s probably the farmers routine that is thrown off, but it is a pretty hot topic with the dairy farmers.

Same here loathar. Of course the cows routine is, or perhaps out to be, governed by the sun rather than the whims of man (farmers or legislators)! But like you, despite the fact that I grew up surrounded by dairy farms, I could never understand the arguments against daylight savings. Particularly as the farmers I knew basically started the day 1/2 hour before sunrise no matter what the clock said.


Interesting thought. Maybe you would join the campaign to stop the US from wanting to abandon the relationship between time and the solar system? Right now their is a group of Americans, I think they have the backing of the Federal Government, who want to have the concept of leap seconds dropped. This will destroy the relationship between our currently universal timekeeping (atomic clocks) and the movements of the solar system.

Maybe we should just go back to sun-dials.
