Only train scene is at night, not much to see, it is an intresting if brooding peice of cinema.
PS dont expect gunfights, chases, or fistfights, this is very much an anti-hollywood western, a brooding slow paced character study thats much more realistic in its depiction of James and the world he lived in.
It is a very good movie, but know what your getting, this is NOT “3:10 to Yuma”
Seen the remake too, its also a very good movie but for different reasons, its much more like the Sergio Leone and Sam Peckenpah anti-hero westerns of the late 60’s and 70’s, gunfights and all that, but a darker story and ending, not a Randolph Scot in sight. Both are definetly worth a rental.
I saw the remake and it wasn’t worth my $3 student ticket and the time I could of spent studying. Had a few good scenes, but a lot of it seemed like blood and gore just for its own sake not to actually develope the plot. Secondly there were definitly not enough train shots![2c]
I dont think I will be buying or rent it,I thot it may be like 3:10 to Yuma,but factual and have some RR holdups in it…I saw "The Story of Jesse James when I was a kid …I dont remember who played in it but it wasnt anyone BIG at the time…Thanks for the avise…