Assistance Needed

Hello everyone, I am new here and looking for some help. I have my grandfathers pre-WW2 American Flyer that I get out of the chest every year for Christmas to remember him. I would love to get it out more to play with my kids, but it is just not in the condition to do so. I have a 90 watt Lionel type 1033 transformer with some older tracks that I used with my grandfather before he passed back in 1997. The engine will run slowly on a small track with the coal car, but slowly. I decided to clean the tracks using a wire wheel thinking the trackes needed better continuity for the engine. It seemed to help a little bit and I was able to put 1 box car on it after that but would still run slow. I noticed that when I turned the whistle actuator on, the engine would run faster like it use to but when I let off, it would die back down to a slow speed. The more car I put on it, the engine will not pull the extra weight. Last year I took the engine and transformer to a shop and had them tested. Both came back good to go and when he tested the engine in my presence, it ran like a beast in his hand. Please help me with any suggestions to get this running the way it use to.

Not sure because I don’t have a 1033 but I don’t think it has a setting with enough voltage for what your running. 90 watts is fine but looking at the 1033 diagramn it looks to only put out 16 volts max and that is to low. Make sure you are hooked up to the A-U posts.

Try another transformer that can provide 18 volts at least. My 1934 AF came with a AF 1269 75 watt transformer but I used a AF #9 transformer that can put out 22 volts.

My pre-war AF requires a lot of voltage

Mine looks like this but is a # 9

If you hook up to A & U you will get 5 - 16 volts plenty to run this train.

B & U will give you 0 - 11 volts

Agreed. Should be plenty of power with A-U posts… I would suspect the track. I would look for some new/good looking used track. Make sure connections are tight etc. Im thinking the wire wheel didnt help either.

Like I said MY 1934 AF needs a lot of volts to run well. 16 it runs but not that fast. 18 it runs okay. And I have one. If you set to run off the B-U post then it may act as you say. If your on the A-U post it could well be the track. Check to be sure your track pins are clean.

First you need to clean the track, and all the wheels on the loco and tender with Naphtha.

Secondly, you need to disassemble the motor in the loco and give it a good cleaning with the Naphtha. Clean the commutator face of the armature, the brushes and brush holder.

Next oil the motor bearings sparingly, as well as the axle bearings. Lightly grease the gears.

Oil the axle bearings on the tender.

After doing all this, the loco and tender should run faster and smoother on the track.

Do not use any heavy abrasive on the track as it will wear off the tin plating.


The fact that he brought it to a shop last year and to use his words- “it took off like a beast”, i tend to think the majority of the issue is not the engine…

Definately sounds like a track issue. My prewar AF runs fine with my 1033. Look at the track. My unit will run fine, but then slow down after awhile on older, dirty track. Ran it on some Fasttrack and it ran great.

I have always used the A and U posts on the transformer to supplu power and I have also tried witching which rail the 2 wires go to with no change in speed for the engine. I think I am going to try some new track once I can get to Menards to buy some.

Ben, if you have access to a multimeter check the transformer to see what it is putting out. Can’t hurt to be sure before you buy track…

KRM I put the multimeter on the A and U posts. I am getting 1.7v when it is turned off and turned all the way up I am getting 13.1v

13.1 seems too low to me for those posts. Should be 16 so something is up with that transformer. Like I said in my other post, my Pre-war AF loves lots of volts to perform well.

Can you use some other transformer to try ? Those old transformers can go bad or need work over time.

I would have to buy a new transformer to try a different one. I have the original AF transformer as well, but to my knowledge it does not work from what I remember my grandfather saying many years ago. I have never tried using it or testing it though.

Terminals A and C should put out a constant, full 16 volts, bypassing all the whistle circuitry in the 1033. Try connecting them to the track, but only briefly, in case the train does run.

I agree with Bob, also try the voltage test on those two posts to see if it is 16 volts.

Your old AF bet needs a power cord. Worth looking at .

I just checked between the A and C posts and getting a constant of 10.8v so it may be the transformer… Any recomendations on a new one? Still haven’t checked the original AF one yet and probably will later this evening or tomorrow.

So I tested the AF #4 B transformer. When I plugged it in, there is a humming sound which I assume thats because its old. There are 3 posts on this. Base, 7-16v, & 16v. I tested the base to 16v and got 16v. I tested the 7-16v and once I turned it up, it went 3v to overload on my multimeter. So I am guessing that transformer is bad as well.

Ben, Sounds like you have tranformer issues. The hum is no big deal they all did back then.

If you hooked to case and 7-16 and did not get the 16 that is it, it does have a problem. If you are looking for a replacement transformer I would be looking for something that puts out at least 18 volts on the highest setting.

You will not be un-happy with the extra voltage. I guess the next question is do you want to build a layout or just run trains at Christmas? If it is just a holiday thing then you will want to stay on the cheap. There are a lot of Lionel post war transformers out there on the bay cheap that can do the job.

Look here for your options.

Let us know how it goes and best of luck!

Ben, you’re getting some very good advice here.

Not much I can add, but are there any hobby shops in your area? Any current production AC transformer should work with your Flyer engine. I use the MTH Z-1000 transformers myself, and all my engines, post-war or recent all run superbly with them.

Also, a hobby shop may have some used serviceable AC transformers on hand, and it’d sure beat ordering on line and trying to get them in time for Christmas this year. With all the “on-line” sales this year UPS is having a tough time keeping up with the shipments.

Closest hobby shop to me is an hour away unfortunately. I will either order something online, or make a trip to the city and hit up a hobby store. Not looking to do a big year round setup, but for sure Christmas time and a couple times through the year for the kids once i get it running good again.