Athearn Bombardier Commuter Coaches HO

I purchased a set of these commuter coaches, and having a hard time keeping them on the track. They have thin profile wheels and flanges. I use code 83 rail. Have no problems with all my other equipment. Anyone else this problem?have any solutions? They are beautiful cars and I’d love to see em run, but not if they derail all of the time. Athearn customer service wasn’t much help.


I had that problem with my sounder cars, i found that the wheels were to close together pull them out a little bit and they should work great.
hope this helps.

well i dont personely have any of those cars, but i do have some of my own troblsome passagaer cars with the same problem, i found that adding just a little extra weight in the bottem helps alot that is if there is room , and if that doesnt help if there isnt already add metal wheels im sure the lower weight will help the those taller cars

It sounds like you have the “first run” cars as the later ones had different wheelsets. I had some with the thin profile wheels and Athearn swapped those for the later wheels and they run now run fine in the pull and push modes. I’m running six car rakes in two sets, twelve cars in all. Don’t know what to tell you about customer service, perhaps things have changed under the new ownership but they were very helpful a few years ago.

I’ve also seen complaints about the wheels being out of guage so you might check that as well.
