Athearn caboose windows update

I have about about 16 cabooses from the Athearn blue box line that I have had for years, I also have other Athearn RTR and Atlas RTR.

I recently updated all my Athearn BB with the window sets offered by Athearn and it sure makes a nice difference and an easy project, almost all are done now and Im quite happy with the results.

I think Athearn should actually include them in there kits, it makes a nicer model. Maybe they will one day.

Anyone else do this also?

I always enjoyed my Atlas and Athearn RTR because the all had the window glazing already, but now all my cabooses do.


I did it on a couple of cheapo Bachmanns I have. It really does make a big difference.

I added windows in a few of my old Athearn CN cabeese but they have been replaced by a few True Line Trains cabeese now. Its a very simple project.

Athearn has the “glass” sets available for their line of cabooses as parts. Before the window glass sets were available i used Evergreen Styrene .010 clear styrene sheet and made the “glass”. With the “glass” in the windows the model looks finished. I cut the clear styrene just a bit larger than the window and cemented it on the inside with liquid styrene cement.

Is the Athearn “glass” flush or semi flush fitting? Or does it sit flat against the inside of the body?


That’s what I was wondering. What’s this set offered? Yes, if it is flush fitting, then great. The shell is so thin that adding clear styrene is just the norm to me, for adding glass to any caboose.

My biggest dilelma now is when to paint or add the “glass” to my B&O resin PMSS cabooses. Once I continue with the models, access to the interior will be impossible for glazing and lighting.

I have saved enough clear plastic, from loco and running stock packageing to make windows for a lifetime. I don’t know if it’s styrene or acetate or what, but I save those formed clear covers from all the boxes of rail equipment.

The Athearn “glass” is semi flush fitting. I think the Extended Vision set might also fit the Bachmann EXV caboose.

The use of the clear plastic from bubble packs works sometimes and sometimes not. I tried it and you need the right glue to get the plastic from some of the bubble packs to stick. I gave up on that and use Evergreen Plastic clear styrene as i know it will stick with the liquid cement.

Glass in the windows makes a caboose or structure look finished.

Glazed windows add a lot to a model. The glint of model glass in the light is very convincing, and one of the easiest things that improve a stock kit. I use clear styrene cemented in place. To be convincing, the “glass” must be flat. Some of the injection molded window glass is noticibly unflat, being thinner in the center than at the edge, and is less convincing.