Athearn Challenger

I would like to install an engineer and fireman in a Challenger with the all-weather cab. Short of dis-assembling the entire loco, is there a short-cut?
I would also suggest to Athearn that they do this when assembling the thing, thereby saving me and probably a few others the headache.

If you look at the exploded view of the model in the back of the manual, you will notice two screws hold the boiler and cab onto the frame. These screws are hidden under the stream dome cover and the turrent. Look for them withthe exploded view. Remove those two screws and unhook the hand rails behind the cab, and the whole assembly comes off. This allows you to install the crew. The whole process might take five minutes after you start. Lay the assembly along side the chassis and you will not have to disconnect the wires running to the number boards.

ALL RIGHT!! Thank you very much. I knew somebody would have the answer!