What is the minimum radius the DD40AX will handle? Thanks Martin
I was going to suggest that you refer to Athearn’s web site and see if the minimum radius was listed in the specifications for this model, but what I read about it the radius is not specified.
A club member has 4 of the Bachmann DDA40X locomotives, and from what I’ve seen with them they may go around a 20 inch minimum radius, but the overhang at the ends will pull rolling stock off the track and they will look horribly out of place going around that tight a radius. Even on our club’s minimum 24 inch radius they look ridiculous.
I’m looking to run it on a layout with a 26’’ minimum radius thanks.
I found out today that the minimum radius for this locomotive is 28’’ did a Google search after getting the idea from another post
DD is a two-truck diesel, and each truck has 4 axles. So, I am not surprised that the loco requires a 28" minimum radius on curves.
what would be the smallest size switch that this beast can travel through?
I don’t own a DD40AX, so I cannot provide an answer based upon experience.
But, I feel certain that the loco could negotiate the divergent route on a #6 turnout. On the other hand, I think that a #4 turnout would be problematic - - - too tight for all of those axles.
The older BB DD40X could go through a Atlas custom #4–very ugly to watch but,it did.
While I have no direct experience or observation of this event I’m told the BB DD40X would go around a 18" curve without cars in tow.That I would have like to seen–if it really happen at all.
Seeing the Genesis is more to scale I suspect a #8 switch would look and work better.
Larry, now you got me trying to visualize a DD40AX moving through a 15" curve. [(-D]
Ya those DD40AX are beasts. When manufacturers list minimum radius, they always under estimate this.
So if they say minimum is 28" radius, what they really mean is 30" min.
I would say a #6 switch would be fine.
So if you want the loco, I would increase your curves on your layout to 30" with #6 switches.
One of my buddies brought a Genesis DDA40X to run on my layout for a test. It ran fine through #6 turnouts and 28" radius curves, I wouldn’t say it looked great in the process but it did work.
It will go (at least the old one would) on an 18" radius, that was all it did and just barely as we put one on my 18" radius high steel trestle just for fun, couldn’t go anywhere do to clearance problems, just wanted to see if it would fit.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this post, I’m going to be building a new 2’ x. 12’ switching layout,I’ll be using peco code 83 number 8 switches and 1 number 6 crossing something to do till I get the man cave finished.