We’ve all seen many questions on here about maintaining Athearn locomotives, especiallly, this past year. Well, there is a book out there that answers all and I do mean all, your questions. “Model Railroading Magazine” put this out several years ago and it may be out of print at this time, but I’m betting, if they had enough request, they may reprint it or at least reprint the articals in the magazine today. The books name is “Model Railroading with Athearn Locomotives & Cars” and there is a complete break down of Athearn Locomotives in the book. It answers all these questions and has photos to boot. I’m sure they have it in their library also and would probably send anyone the articles for a small fee. The name of the articles are “TUNE UP FOR ATHEARN DIESELS” & “IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF A STOCK ATHEARN DIESEL”. There’s also a great article on regearing an Athearn Locomotive. Please contact them about the book, ya just never know…Hope this helps.
Here’s a few more suggestions.
I’ve got a couple too.
Thanks guys, this is all very worthy info for anyone using the old Athearn Standbys and other makes as well. This exactly the type of maintainance info folks need, thanks again.
This was exactly the info I was needing. Thanks guys!