Athearn N scale parts?

Good morning to all,

I have noticed that on the Athearn’s web site they show no listing for N scale parts. Maybe I am over seeing a link on their home page. Also the “PARTS” link on the home page only shows parts for HO scale. So has anyone ordered N scale parts from them ?

I am looking for the springs and brushes for the N scale Challenger.

Thanks, Truck.

I would give them a call and ask about the needed parts.

That is problably what I will do. But if there was an online source I could just order on line.

Which is my preference. I have already emailed them and told them what an expecive static model this has been.

It’s never ran good. MRC decoder went south. Put the Tsunami TSU-4664N replacement decoder in it. Still didn’t run right. I took it apart the springs for the motor brushes were so week, the top brush relied on it’s weight for contact. I put some stiffer springs in it now it runs like it should. Before it was jerky and some times it just sat there while the decoder was chuffing away. The MRC decoder smoked so I know it is junk.

But I would like to get replacement brushes if possible, if they send the same springs I will toss them, The ones in there now are working fine.


To my surprise, Athearn replied to my request for purchasing a motor, and detailed desciption of this locos bad happits in an email. And is sending a new motor FREE of CHARGES.

It realy takes the second guessing away from buying future products from them, knowing that they are backing up their products. But then again I have always had good luck with Athearn products. My loco could have been one in a thousand that had a bad motor, it happens.

I will check the springs in the brushes though, and if I feel they are to weak, I will put stonger ones in there.
