Just wondering if the newer model SW 1500 is able to be put in a sound card and speaker in it? Just curious. It’s a great looking engine.
Just wondering if the newer model SW 1500 is able to be put in a sound card and speaker in it? Just curious. It’s a great looking engine.
From a simple Google search for athearn sw 1500 tsunami.
thanks Rich, looks like a tough one!
I’ve done one and it was a pain in the rear. I quoted a guy 30 bucks to do the job and I figured by the time I was done I was working for 6 bucks an hour. If your skill level is poor then I don’t recommend doing it yourself. It did sound great though.
I am looking into another solution for my Athearn 1500. I have emailed NWSL about their motor 1220D-9. It is a small motor but it has a stall of .45 amps which is very high for the size of the motor. The motor it self is 10x12x20mm. The “problem” is the 1.0mm shaft. I did not see on the NWSL website a univeral coupler in the 1.0mm shaft size and the reason for my email to them. I can lay the motor flat and have plenty of room for a speaker and a sound decoder.
Update. I received a reply from NWSL. They have recently started producing the couplers for a 1.0 mm shaft for a motor such as the 1220D-9. The part number is 1220-9. So with that motor laying flat it will give plenty of room for a sound decoder such as the Tsunami AT-1000 and a nice size speaker. That is the way I am going to go. By the way I have an older Athearn 1500, not one of the newer RTR’s.
Nice to see your answer. Take some photos during this project. Get a Photo Bucket account and post the photos here.
Consider a You Tube account with a video of the loco running.
OOPS, wrong part number for the couplers. It is 479-6. I will post some pictures.