I have an Athearn Ready-to-Roll NS Dash 9-44CW that I want to put the ESU Loksound GE 7FDL16 decoder into. Will I have to replace the Incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs? I have not been able to find very much information on this topic, so any help is greatly appreciated.
I think (and I could be wrong) that it depends on which look you like better. However, incandescents do burn out faster and are more demanding on a decoder. I would go with LEDs.
You don’t have to. If there is such a thing as a consensus opinion around here, it would be to install the LED’s when you install the decoder.
Some loksound decoders allow you to use leds without having to use resistors. They also allow you to use bulbs if you choose. Your model number identifies a sound package and not a specific decoder. I install 3mm warm white led’s bought on ebay.
If you are going to keep the bulbs, also keep the original Athearn mother board as it has the onboard regulation for the 1.5 volt bulbs.
If you elect to convert to LEDs, you’ll have to scrap the factory mother board. The ESU 73700 Select Direct board would be an almost direct replacement and it also has onboard resistors for LEDs.
All other ESU decoders require external resistors. No ESU decoder is capable of running 1.5 volt bulbs without additional resistors.