Athearn Santa Fe F7 Freight Scheme

I have some old BB F7 A and B units which I want to restore in the Santa Fe blue/yellow/silver freight colors.

Anyone use spray can colors and know if there is a close match in Rustoleum or Krylon for the Santa Fe blue? I figure I can get the yellow and silver/aluminum fairly easy.

Also- I will get the detail kit for these, but on the B unit, is there any need to replace the stock Athearn wheels-or just clean them up as is?


I just looked on Walmart’s site, and they have Rustoleum spray paint in a color called Classic Navy that appears to be pretty close to Santa Fe’s blue. At least according to the cap color anyway. As for the B unit, my opinion is it depends on the condition of the wheels, and wether or not you want to upgrade them. Hope this is helpful. Good luck.

Can’t help You with the rattle can paint colors…but if You want some dead ringer colors…for the Blue I would suggest MM Insignia Blue and MM Blue Angels Yellow. The aluminum color instead of silver. Here’s is a handy color chart for older Floquil colors with alternatives to use. I found that all Floquil colors were dead on for Railroad colors:

A pic’ of the Athearn SW 1200 ‘‘Cow & Calf’’ I redone with the MM colors I mentioned. I did not paint the Cow only the Calf. I did it with an air brush though:

As far as the F7 goes…I have seen them in two different Yellows in real life, a creamy looking Yellow and I brighter Yellow in Many photos…I’m told they are both correct. My Stewart AB units came in the creamy Yellow…to My taste, I prefer that over the bright Yellow:

An actual photo of one with the pale yellow:

Good Luck, on Your project! [:D]



I cannot address your question about paint colors since I have always used Floquil paints and fortunately have a supply that should last for awhile.

As to the wheels on your B-unit. If it is a powered unit, cleaning the wheels should do the trick unless they are really worn.

If the two locos are going to be run together as a set, I always install metal wheels if they are not already in place. I tie the the locos together with a Minitronics 2-pin electrical connection. This doubles the electrical pick-up and is real handy if you are installing sound.