If you’re running only DC you should have just removed the decoder and not installed another one unless you really wanted sound. You’ll have to find someone with a DCC system to program the Tsunami light functions the way you want them to operate on DC.
In order to operate in DC, the decoder “analog mode” must be enabled (turned on). They do not come from the factory with that feature “enabled”. If you don’t have a DCC command station, you will need to take it somewhere or to someone that can program it.
You asked me to let you know how I went, here goes…
The PC programmer was a few years old so no luck with Vista accepting the software so purchased a Digitrax PR3 and a PowerPax Booster as recommended by people and it does help.
I used the CV editor in the soundLoader Software but I am not sure how good this software is, perhaps JMRI is better?! Joe Fugate suggests the JMRI decoder pro (think that is tha name?!) but not sure if it works with the PR3?!
I have never programmed CVs before so it was interesting. I had a play and I have edited CV29 to get it to operate in DC mode. Had a quick test and the lights work and it travels with the varying voltage from the DC power pack. However the sound is garbage, my first thought is the start voltage is a little too high, not sure of the CV yet and assuming it is operator error not the decoder. Decoder basically fires up in a running reving mode straight up rather than the normal engine startup as it did when not in DC mode, previously just didn’t do anything apart from idle.
I tried to set the beacon light but the soundtrax instructions just lost me![sigh]
I also while having a play tried extended addressing CV17 & 18 and I couldn’t get it to take the 56 & 99 (i.e loco no. 5699) in each attempt it always came back with other numbers, yep I did set CV29 bit 5 to 1. Wasn’t sure if I had to set CV1 to 0 or the same as one of CV17 or CV18?! Perhaps not a good thing to try as a complete novice!
Thanks for your help and further help would be greatly appreciated! After playing around last night for three of four hours with mixed results I have put it away and hoping for some help from you guys.
You have to change the value of CV 29 to recognize the fact that you want to use a long address programmed into CVs 17 and 18. Program CV 29 with a value of 38 to enable the long address, DC operation, and 28 speed step mode.
You need to consider getting a DCC system so you can avoid these hacks of trying to make a decoder do something it isn’t really designed for.
Starting to think it may have to happen, just the joys of potentially modifying completed track to sort out DCC problems isn’t really a attractive option at this time. Plus the extra dollars on buying numerous decoders for the roster.
Was doing some more reading on CV17 & 18 and it seems the 4 digits don’t simply translate to the two most significant numbers to 17 and two least to 18.
Glad to hear from you! Don’t be discouraged, this isn’t as hard as it sounds. First, I am not an expert. Second, the information I give is based on my own experience. Granted, I have only installed and programmed 2 tsunami sound decoders, but each has gone without a problem and I use a Digitrax Zephyr Extra for programming. The only minor problem I had was programming the 4 digit address. Once I changed the command station to “blast mode”, the address change went without a problem.
This information is straight out of the Soundtraxx manual and the PR3 should have no problem handling the programming. I have no experience with the Soundloader software or JMRI. CV29 should be programmed to a value of 54 for extended address, speed tables-yes, analog mode-yes, 28/128 speed steps, normal direction. A value of 38 for extended address, speed tables-no, analog mode-yes, 28/128 speed steps, normal direction (Table A, pg 16 of the diesel sound guide).
The PR3 should handle the address programming without tinkering with CV17 & CV18. But, for the extended address of 5699, CV17=214 and CV18=67
For the beacon light…Do you have incandescent bulbs or LED? For CV49, add 7 to all the other lighting effects you want (Table G, pg 32 of the diesel sound guide). If you have LEDs, add another 128 to that total.
As far as the sound…where is the speaker located? Did you install a baffle around the speaker?
I have a spreadsheet for CV17 & 18 now that I know what I am looking for!
The beacon light is the standard incandesent bulb that comes with the locomotive, I think it is attached to FX5.
Speaker is attached to the standard Athearn speaker in its default location, just replaced the broken decoder with the soundtraxx. I really think the startup and max voltage need to be adjusted.
Usually, there’s no reason to change any of your layout’s wiring to convert from DC to DCC control; it’s just a matter of connecting the output of the DCC system to the layout in place of the DC power pack.
It’s also entirely possible to use a double-pole, double-throw toggle switch so the layout can be ran either way, so having to install decoders into every locomotive is not necessary, either.