athearn thrust washers: thickness

I was curious about athearn’s out of stock 3/32" thrust washers. what is thickness of them? i was thinking of getting some washers from local hard ware store or walthers or northwest shortline brand of thrust washers. are their any differences in athearn’s thrust washers from others on the market?

A SAE 3/32 washer is 0.020 thick. NWSL has them listed at 0.010 and 0.005. Not sure about the Athearn, if I were home I could mike one for you.

What are you using it for?

I do not know if this will help, but, I am working on an ATH RTR Lighting Conversion Project, & I had the trucks off for re-wiring… (mine was a GP50 RTR).

My Caliper showed that the washers are 0.010"
On this version they are a black fibre type, but I have many that are a clear type.

What bugs me is that;
A thrust washer (in my mind), Should, thighten the endplay (draft movement), on the worm shaft…
If there is any drift in the worm gear ‘Shaft’ it should be shimmed within reason, to prevent a hard ‘Knock’ when the drive train is engaged. I would guess a backlash between .005 - .010 would be ideal, (but that is me). If you have severe worm gear drift, I would seriously look into those washers to try to eliminate that drift, -within reason.

I really do not know if that helps much… But there it is…