Athearn transformer

I’m still running DC (HO) and I’m in need of a transformer. The one I have doesn’t work well. My LHS has an Athearn power pack, but I’ve never seen one of those. Any thoughts on performance?

I’m also considering a Tech 4 from MRC. I’m almost certain that the Tech 4 is better than the Athearn, but would the Athearn work well enough? I have one from Bachmann that works well.


Its just my opinion , but they do not make a better Power Pack than MRC. I have been using Tech 2 Railmaster 2400 for maybe 30 years and it runs stuff as sweet as it did when I bought it.

The Athearn transformer is made to run ONE locomotive that comes in their train sets, and will most likely be overloaded and overheated trying to use it for a layout.

The MRC power pack is a much better choice if you ever intend to run more than one locomotive at a time.

For what it is worth, I have used the MRC Railpower 1370 with great success.

It is less expensive than the Tech 4, but is does have less features.

Ultimately, the Tech 4 may be preferable to the Railpower 1370 if you plan to run a lot of trains at the same time.


I agree with Rich. Even though I no longer operate my layout in DC, I still have a Railpower 1370 for operating my lighting. Terrific power pack. You can pick one up on eBay for as little as $20.

The Tech 4 would be just fine for you, too, for the reasons Rich outlined above.



MRC has been making quality powerpacks since I can remember (1960s?). I’ve had a number of them, with my last DC layout using two Controlmaster 20s - the BIG BOY of powerpacks.

You can’t go wrong with an MRC pack, and I would not take a chance on any other brand. BTW, it would behoove you to get the best one you can. You will have that pack for a lot longer than most locos.

It depends on your definition of “well enough”. Will it make the train move, and control the speed, and change directions - yes probably. Will you have good low end speed control, will the speed change greatly going up and down hills and/or around corners, will the power be ragged and spikey or smooth and properly pulsed … I cannot even guess. Unfortunately I’ve not heard of Athearn power packs. I am assuming they are 3rd party rebranded to the Athearn name.

I have to agree with everyone else. I got an MRC for Christmas in 1967. I am still using it. I have purchased several more through the years. Still have them all. Still love them all. I have never met anyone who was disappointed when they purchased an MRC power pack.

Update: I found someone selling a tech II from probably 15-20 years ago and got it for a decent price and I’m very happy with it. What I originally thought was a poor locomotive and poor track was actually a poor transformer.

Thanks all for you replies.