I have this Athearn Union Pacific Modern Caboose # WP 437 Steel Bay Window type,and am wanting to know if this type was in service in the 1950’s. I read where it was called "the Cadillac of Cabooses.It has Safety Messages on both sides. In addition I have a Bachmann Bobber Caboose,and a Roundhouse Steel Roof Cupola type. My layout is steam diesel era 1950’s,and I wish to know if this Modern Type would be out of place here. Thanks
If this is the one that is painted in UP colors, yes, it is. The UP didn’t acquire the WP until the 1980s IIRC, so no WP caboose would be in UP colors until that happened.
However, WP 437 was built in 1955, so in its WP paint, it may work for you.
Further to Mikes information…
Cheers, the Bear.
Thank you for that WP note ,history is a large part of our hobby,and more fascinating for a person in another country.
Thanks for your input,I appreciate the help. My 10x5 Layout is a small reflection of a 1950’s US Small Town,not to be perfect,but just to keep everything in harmony. Owen Sunshine Express
An excellent philosophy.
Cheers, the Bear.[:)]