Atlas and Peco code 55 track

Whats the best way to connect atlas N scale code 55 track to peco code 55 track? The rails on the peco track is embedded in the ties while the atlas track has the rails on top of the ties.

I would take a few ties off the end of both sets of rail, stick a joiner on them (they should fit), and then slide some ties back into the gap, without them actually being attached to the rail. My dad and I use Atlass 55 on our n scale layout, but we havevnt used the peco stuff. So which do you prefer?

hope this helps!

No, you can’t do that. The rail tops won’t line up.

If you put a rail joiner on the peco side and then flatten the ends sticking out with some needle nose pliers or something you’ll be a lot closer. Just do all of that and then lay the Atlas track on top of the joiner and solder it there you’ll be good. You’ll have to check and make sure it’s right and maybe bend the joiner a bit to get the tops to line up, but it’s not hard. I did this same thing when joining Code 70 Micro Engineering track to Atlas code 55 on my last layout.

I’ve heard that they make a special joiner for this, but I haven’t seen it.

Yep, that’s what Brian meant. He forgot the mash it down part.

!@#$ you, Peco for making faux-code 55 track!!! What a jip.
Can’t they be sued for being so deceptive?

If they make transition joiners for Code 80 to Code 55, that’s what you use. All Peco rail is Code 80 in actuality.