Atlas Flextrack

Anyone have any honest insight into how soon Atlas’ flex track will be showing up? I’m looking for code 83.



Ad in the Jan MR says they are back.

How long it takes to build up inventory and get it to your distributor is anybody’s guess.


Ads have lead-time, so they were already getting shipments from China two months ago, or they were scheduled to start receiving shipments in December.

Either way, the supply problems should be over soon enough.

Shows in stock at the Atlas On-Line store. So i would assume it should be at your favorite retailer soon

Some etailers have real-time inventory showing on their websites. modeltrainstuff is an example. If they show stock, and if you make a purchase, you are virtually guaranteed to be in possession of the track within a few days in the continental USA.


My LHS says they should have some within the month. I was just there picking up my January MR. I need about 40 pieces for my next expansion which I hope to have completed by spring.

Did they discontinue it for a while?

Atlas has been changing manufacturing plants in China. Last year they moved the cars & engines. This summer they moved the track to the new plant. There has been no shipments from China for a number of months. Atlas is expecting to have a re-stock of the code 83 flex by the end of the year.


What’s FELXTRACK ? [*-)]


It is track this car runs on. [:)]

Don’t know how much this relates to the track issue, but the Atas FMC 5077 boxcars I had on pre-order just shipped. Early xmas for me!

Yes I just got my 3 LEF&C boxcars!

They look almost as nice as the LEF&C cars Exact Rail made!

Although changing the couplers from the plastic 2 piece ones to Kadees - requires a bunch of work!

BOB H - Clarion, PA

More good news - the strike at the West Coast ports was just settled, so more stuff from Asia should be arriving soon!


This year seemed bad for shipping; I’ve had Bowser, Athearn and a BLI Trackmobile on order for about a year (?). I wish manufacturers would announce new models when they are ready for us to Acquire Them, not when the first start thinking about a new model (I know this isn’t exactly how things go in the business world, but you kinda get what I’m saying (: ). I’m not complaining, just anxiously waiting for my new power to arrive! :slight_smile:

Back on the subject of track…May I ask a question? Why get Atlas track when Micro Engineering track is cheaper (and better looking?). ME flextrack goes for about $4.11 each (but you have to buy bundles of 6); Walthers is going for about $8.25 each. When I was building my modules, I was surprised to find ME track (and turnouts) were the cheapest I could find (especially taking into account how good the track looks). Like I said…just a question, not meant to hijack the thread. I was thinking if someone is waiting for Atlas track, maybe check out ‘bills track and trains . com’ for ME track.

I hope everyone has a good day!

If you are going to compare product prices, let’s compare MSRP to MSRP and discounted to discounted. The current MSRP for Atlas is 6.75 for a stick of code 83. The current MSRP for a ‘stick’ of M-E code 83 is 5.75(32.95 per bundle).

You can find Atlas on-line for 4.45 per stick., and M-E non-weathered for anywhere from 5.49 to 5.75 per stick after splitting a bundle. That 4.11 price must be some old stock on the shelf.

I prefer to use the Atlas ‘super flex’ because it does spring into a curve so nice, and it really looks quite good compared to the old code 100 flex track. I use mainly Atlas code 83 flex, with a combination of Atlas & Walthers turnouts. The Atlas track has ‘full’ cross section ties, so I use .015-.020 sheets of black styrene under the Walthers turnouts so that they match up with the rest of the Atlas track.

I have used M-E ‘N’ scale turnouts a long time ago(N-Trak modular excursion when I was younger). They have a ‘limited’ selection(#6), are usually in even shorter supply, and the electrical contact gets ‘flaky’ after time. A friend has HO code 70 M-E flex and turnouts - same electrical issues until we ‘hot-wired’ the points. I like the ‘rugged’ reliable operation of the Atlas trackage.


Electrical flakiness is not part of the recent-production Micro Engineering switches in service on our club layout. The problems appear to have been corrected three or four years ago, but there does seem to be old stock in shops. There’s no difference in packaging.

who really pay 6.50 a stick? My LHS maneged to find a case of 100 in november and was still selling them at the same price as last year, 4.25 with over 25, 4.10 each

The $4.11 (Actually $4.12) is from Bills Trains and Track (I have no affiliation to them, just a satisfied customer). I was surprised to find that price after a couple weeks of searching online for the best deal while finalizing my trackplan. I’m not familiar with all the prices of all the different flextrack, but maybe someone will find a deal there? There might well be a cheaper brand of track, but I wanted to try ME track and was happy it was among the lower cost options for me.


Flex track has risen outrageously since 2003. I clearly recall paying $2.25 then it went to $2.75 in 2004. Then it skyrocketed to $3.75 in 2005, up and up it went, and still goes!! It is making other flex track makers look more practical to purchase. Back in 2003-2008 Atlas was much cheaper than the others. Not anymore!!

i have a ton of flex track & switches in storage , ahhh looks like im holding on to all of it for my next layout