Atlas Forum

Is anyone else having trouble getting onto the Atlas forums? I haven’t been able to get past the second page on the way to the HO forum. Really, really slow. I’m not having any problems anywhere else though.


I’ve been trying for the last half hour. I can barely get to the front page. At least I know now that it’s not me.

Thank you. That’s what I was afraid of too.


I have experienced that before at the Atlas forum. [2c]

Yeah, it’s not good today and was also having problem yesterday evening. Patience is a virtue.

But it shouldn’t take 10-15 minutes for a page to show up. Still loading on my other tab.

Me too. When I have such problems I usually think it’s something on my end. But everything else works fine, other forums don’t have the very slooooow page opening. I actually opened another tab this afternoon and viewed other web sites waiting for a page to open.

EDIT: Just tried the Atlas forum after posting this, seems to be working OK now - around 7PM Eastern time.

I don’t participate in the Atlas forum but I do look in on its N-Scale subsidiary from time to time and I tried to do that early Wednesday a.m.; it warn’t workin’. Idiotboreddotcom warn’t workin’ either. Idiotboreddotcom came back just before I called it quits and went to bed at 2 a.m.; Atlas was workin’ when I got up at eight this mornin’ so you shouldn’t have been having trouble at the time of your posting.