Atlas Genesis SD60i

Hello All
I just picked up an Athearn Genesis SD60i today It’s the just released version and it’s my first Athearn.
The documentation that comes with it is incomplete and there is nothing on their website that I can find. Question. What sound decoder is used on these engines and where can I find better info on the CV’s. For instance one of the CV’s that is referred to but with no informationis CV 118(headlight function) is referred to in the fold up pamphlet but the CV chart has no mention of it.


I just read CV8 and it responds 143 which I believe is MRC

CV7 shows a 1.

It is a 28 function decoder and I don’t see a reference to it on the MRC site. Might be a new one.


I don’t know if you have been reading this electronics forum, but the MRC decoders have not won for themselves a stirling reputation. If anything, it is a dismal reputation. Accounting for self-selection in responding to rants about things that go wrong on any forum, the fact is that for every one user who seems to have no problems whatsoever, three more chime into the thread with their teeth bared.

I don’t know enough to say that MRC has several versions of their sound decoders, I suspect they do, but I have not read that one version stands head and shoulders above the others…they are universally reviled here.

I hope that someone who is enjoying theirs helps you out; if there is nothing wrong with the decoder, it would be great to have it functioning for you.


Well that’s not good to hear but up to now I’ve been lucky with my loco choices. Does anyone make a good drop in replacement for the Genesis with sound? If so I’ll change it.


Not a drop in, but a Soundtraxx Tsunami TSU-AT1000 EMD 710 will be a wonderful choice for this loco.

David B

Thanks. How hard would this replacement be? Any cutting involved or just careful placement?

  1. Remove old board.

  2. Mount new board.

  3. Solder wires to new board.

David B