Atlas Manul Turnout Conversion

I have a quick question. I need a replacement Atlas turnout but the remote switch I need is not in stock. Can a manual Atlas switch be converted to a remote switch by simply mounting the switch machine to it? I have never purchased or seen a manual turnout before but can order one. Thanks

Yes, the manual machine will come off, and your electric machine will snap on.

That assumes your existing switch and machine have been made in the last 25 years or so. Before that the design was different.


To my knowledge, there is no difference between a manual and remote Atlas turnout other than the switch machine, which is a simple snap-off part.

I had old Code 100 brass turnouts from the 50s. The Code 100 ones have screw mounts, but I was able to use the same machines on new nickel silver Code 100 turnouts.

I believe (don’t quote me) that Code 100 Snap Switches differ from Code 83 in the way the switch machines are mounted.

Thank you.

As Mr B states, the manual control will fit in the same place as the remotely operated one. However, I sense that you are asking if it can be converted to a remote controlled unit. I’ve never heard of it, but you could take the motor unit off from an easily reachable turnout and put the manual one there and the remote controlled one in the difficult to reach location.

Have you looked on ebay for a couple of remote units? I have seen them there.

Mr B is corrrect, the motors for the code 100 and code 83 are different.

Good luck,
