Atlas N GP7 - Which decoder?

I just picked up an Atlas N scale GP7 on ebay. It is a DC loco but the jewel case says DCC ready. Can anyone recomend a plug ‘n’ play decoder for the loco and will I need to use resistors for the headlights? Sound would be nice but not required.



I have used the TCS drop-in decoders on two locos with no problem, work a treat and are extremely easy to fit (if you don’t shove them in upside-down, like I did!)

The NCE drop-in works fine, too.

It all depends on which one you got. Atlas messed up on an older run and put the gp7’s in boxes that said DCC ready when they were no where close but not the latest run are actually DCC ready. So what you need to do is remove the shell and if you have two light boards then you have a non-dcc engine, if it just has one light board that runs from front and back then it is a dcc engine. If it is a dcc engine then a digitrax DN163A2 board is what you want if it isn’t a dcc engine TCS makes a type of decoder but requires a little wiring and soldering.

BTW if you aren’t sure about removing the shell check the instructions with the engine case and see what it shows or just give us the part number and I’m sure someone will check to see which one it is.

I haven’t attempted to take the loco apart yet, the model number is 48045.



The NCE drop in works good, I think their headlight is brighter. The Digitrax has the switching speed option. With the switching speed enabled, press F6 and throttle is reduced by 50%.


I finally did remove the shell today to take a look under the hood. The loco has two light boards, a small one at each end so per what you’ve stated above it is a non dcc engine. I took a look at the TCS site and found this decoder which looks like the one that I will need, CN-GP. I’ve done my fair share of non plug ‘n’ play decoder installations in HO, but this would be my first N scale. TCS as clear steps on their site for the installation thankfully.
