I have a yellow box atlas rs-1. I wanted to strip the numbers off it and the name off it with out damaging the red gm&o paint. Now I have messed up the red and want to know how to strip it without melting the plastic. I have searched and read posts on stripping paint but noone that I found specifically noted what worked on these bodies. I used easy off low fume spray and it didn’t touch it.
I used Testor’s paint thinner to strip shells, and it didn’t dissolve plastic. However, it may not penentrate some lacquers very easily. I tried stripping a yellow box Atlas S-2 shell (made by Roco in the late 1980s) and it took forever to get through the lacquer and down to the paint.
I haven’t done so recently, but I stripped an old Atlas SD-24 several years ago using Floquil’s ELO paint stripper. It worked nicely, and didn’t damage the shell at all. That said, it might not be easy to get these days. You might try 91% Isopropyl Alcohol. I’ve had really good luck with that lately on most types of paint, including old Athearn BB.