Atlas Regulated Throttle Control

Hello All

For those who have tried Atlas QSI equipped Loco’s What do you prefer? Regulated throttle mode or Standard?

I prefer using just the Standard control.


Not many Atlas runners I guess LOL

I always kept everything at factory default for atlas except for sound and basic motor functions like max speed etc. When using my GP40’s for switching they always seemed sluggish. Turns out that’s what Regulated control is intended to do, and make it act like there’s a load being pulled.

I switched to standard and I was surprised how responsive they are. Regulated works great though for consisting so I think I’m going to set them for Regulated when consisting and Standard when switching.

It came up because I picked up my 6th GP40 last week and was setting it up. (GP40’s are my personal favorite Diesel) I tried standard throttle for the first time.

I use Standard when i am running them.

I use the RTC in road locos and consisted units and standard on my switch locos. The RTC seems to make my steamers run a little smoother on the main.
