Atlas' Right Track System

I used Atlas’ Right Track System Version 5.0 to design my layout. It was all right, but it had some serious limitations. The widest radius available is 24". I’m sure this is based on the sectional track that Atlas sells. But, I was able to work around it by laying the straight tracks out using the grids to set at 30", then filling the section with flextrack.
I’ve missed a couple of updates to the program. They are up to version 7.0 and what a difference. The widest radius available is still 24". For the same reason listed above, but the enhancements are double [:)]. The tool used to shape flex track is much better and more flexible. You can now cut a section of flex track anywhere you want. It’s a snap to replace long lengths of straight track with flex track. They’ve also updated their own library to include code 83 bridges. In the past, they were not listed, so you had to open another library (code 100) and use that bridge. YECCH!!
And the best part? It’s still FREE!! Thanks Atlas!

Even the switch from 5.0 to 7.0 took a little getting used to. (Marion, you didn’t miss 6.0 'cause there wasn’t any.) You can even put in easements for your curves with 7.0, which I don’t remember if you could that with 5.0. The newer Atlas RR is still pretty limited but I still find it handy to use on occacsion. It definitely has the Bob Barker appeal to it because “the price is right”! [:)]
