Is the Atlas RS-1 in HO Scale DCC ready?
It would depend on the age of it. Do you already have it? If so remove the shell and look for a plug on the board. The Atlas website doesn’t say anything. I’ve got a few RS3’s that are around 4 years old now and they were even though their website doesn’t list them being DCC ready.
They are a simple board replacement on the older Kato drive systems. Not at all difficult with a little planning and a small soldering iron. This is the way I do all my Atlas and Atlas Classic RS1, RS3, and RSD4/5 units.
That is without sound
Are you planning to add sound to any of them
He asked for DCC ready. To me DCC is independent motor control and lighting. If he would have asked for sound then I would consider a DSD like the Tsunami or QSI revolution. Sound can also be used in DC also.
DCC ready (to me) means have a quick plug or easy board conversion.
If he does want sound, it is still a simple board replacement if you go with a Tsunami. Speaker placement can go in the cab.
To me, a board replacement is better than a plug-in because the plug takes up room and so does the decoder, whereas replacing the board doesn’t take up any more room than the original light board.
Atlas RS-1’s,S-1,S-2,S-3,&S-4s are not the same as the RS3s,4&5s, Etc.
The RS-1s were bulid by ROCO Not by Kato like the 3’s. There for you have to isolate the motor from the frame, if you don’t it may run, but sooner or later your motor will fry. The old Walthers FM’s were like this.
RS1 PDF parts breakdown.
RS1 PDF Japan built breakdown.
RS3 PDF parts.
RS3 Japan built.
I have 6 Atlas and Atlas Classic RS units and none say Roco. The Japan built Atlas RS units have Kato cast in the frame. I am not sure who built the S1 to S4 for Atlas. I do not have any of them.
I’m with Pete here, the RS/RSD series were always made by Kato until Atlas made the newer ones themselves. The smaller swtchers, definitely the S-2, were originally Roco until Atlas made the newer ones themselves. The Kato-built units as well as the newer ones can be easily converted with a simple board replacement, The very newest runs now have an 8 pin socket on the board so you can either plug a decoder in or use the board replacement. Even teh newer S-3/4 made by Atlas need some work, mainly to isolate the lower motor contact. Lots of pictures and examples on the TCS web site, equally applicable to other deocders using the same form factor.
So if am reading these posts correctly. It sounds like to make an RS-1 DCC (w/o sound) I will have to isolate the frame and swap the board with a DCC board. Is this correct?
I haven’t purchases one yet, and I am not an ALCO fan. However this was the only engine the C&WI ever used. My other idea is to buy a GENSET and paint C&WI, sort of my own creation.
The motor is already isolated from the frame. Once you get it apart you will see how easy it is to do the install. Depending on which chassis you have will depend on how easy the lighting will be. The older RS units had a single light bulb in the middle with light pipes going to the front and rear. I saw these pipes off just behind the lens and polish the cut. Then when I re-assemble the chassis I lay the LED in the groove of the weight and lower the shell on. My first one I made the mistake of using a 14 volt bulb and the heat from the bulb melted the shell. Since then I only install LEDs with resistors.