Recently I had an accident with an Atlas rs-11 in HO scale. I need to replace the complete truck and sideframe and all the guts inside. Atlas says that they dont have any and will not ever have any in stock. Anyone know I place I can get some from?
Thank you in advance.
Brian Sklarski
Please email me at brian777ua(at)
Thank you!!
Is this an old Kato made drive or an newer Atlas one. If it’s one of the old kato drives parts may be scarse but if it’s one of the more recent runs atlas RS1 or 3 truck parts should fit it. Check with them they may have some of those parts still in stock.
It is the newer one… and I crossed the numbers and the rs-1 truck will fit it, but its the fact that the truck with that stock number is the one they wont have anymore.
im thinking about looking for something cheap on ebay, but there mucst be a store that has them stil in stock, i just need a jumping off point