Atlas RS-3 vibration

Recently my brandy new VT Rail RS-3 has developed a vibrating like noise at low speeds. It wasn’t there the first couple of months I ran it (got it for Christmas). I assume I need to lube it. Can someone give advice as to what should be lubed and what to use? Thanks in advance.


You didn’t specify WHERE the vibration was coming from, so I’ll take a stab at it based on an experience I had myself …

I found on some of my Atlas units, they devloped a chattering noise at low speeds that I traced to the axle stubs chattering in the metal pick-up bar on the back-side of the side-frame. What I found cured this was some Aristo-Craft Electralube placed on the axle tips. Do not use any other type of lubricant as it will inhibit electrical pick-up. The Electralube is electrically conductive and will actually improve electrical conductivity between the axle stubs and the pick-up bar. It eliminated MY problem … maybe try that (?).


The noise seems to be coming from under the short hood more toward the center which kinda makes me think of either a truck or the motor?

Could it be that you have a flywheel out of balance?

I would remove the shell and check that the truck clips are secure, also check the routing of the wires comng from the truck, one of them may be rubbing against the universals. It’s not likely that a flywheel would be out of balance on an Atlas unit. You could also check the universals themselves, they snap in to the gear tower. these are some of the most common problems with ATlas units, usually due to rough handling in shipping or being dropped.

Thanks for the help guys. I relubed the truck I thought was making the noise and for awhile it quieted down with the body off. After putting the body back on the noise is back. Anyone have any ideas? Also the newer Atlas seem to be more difficult to work on than my older stuff anyone agree with this or is it just me and old age
