Atlas RS36 Window Glass Removal

Hello All,

I have a conundrum. I have a trio of Atlas Trainman RS-36’s that I am detailing, and going to paint and weather. I have tried to remove the window glass, but it seems quite stubborn compared to some other locomotives I have done, and I don’t want to break it. It appears to be a 2 piece part, but I could be mistaken. Anyone have a suggestion on how to proceed? I have tried with small jewelers screw drivers to pry it out. Is it just due diligence on my part?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Sometimes those things can be very difficult to remove…and sometimes no matter how careful you are they could break…try using toothpicks to hold the part away from the cab after you pry the glass loose…sometimes it helps so that you can concentrate on the rest of the glass part.