Atlas Switches

I have read in various threads about stalling issues on Atlas switch frogs, but those seem to apply particularly to the larger switches. Given that I will not have a large layout, the O36 swtiches would be just fine for me. Are there any known performance problems/issues with the Atlas O36 switches?

yours in switching
Fred W

Don’t know about stalling but most of the Atlas switches that I have seen take up alot of space, so you will need a very large layout to use with the Atlas switch.
Lee Fritz

There should be no issues with the O36 switches. I have 3 on my layout, along with O45’s and O54’s. In 3 years of operations, i’ve had ONE bad switch. All my engines run just fine over them, no stalling even at 5 smph. Go ahead and use 'em!

I have 072 Atlas switches with no problems. They perform better than anything I’ve seen.


Go ahead and use them. I have 054 & #5s and have had no problems.

Thanks very much to all who replied. I was off line until this morning, so I just the responses. Thanks again.

Fred W