Hey Folks,
Time to pick your brains again. I see Atlas sells track screws for their track. Can anybody tell me if this is for their 21st Century track? And if so, how long are the screws?
Has anybody found other screws that would work instead of the Atlas screws? The track mount holes look to be #2 size. I need at least 1 1/2" length to reach thru the track, roadbed and foam. Ideally I suppose they should be black.
I think the Atlas screws are a little shorter than 1.5 inches. I looked at Home depot and other hardware stores once upon a time because I ran out of screws. The local train shop was out as well. I resorted to short small head nails until I found some. You might have to go to a specialty place to get the same size. the head size is important so that the flanges of the wheels on locos and rolling stock get get through. In some places on my layout where I spliced in flex track at a curve, I used 4 screws at the end to make sure the end was firmly set before I bent the track. If you find a source for identical screws, please advise.
Go to a local hardware store for that type of screw and paint the screws the color you need. Wil not cost as much as Atlas screws and may be better quality screw.
I like to use stainless steel because of living in south Florida.
Lee F.