I have purchased one of these kits to confirm in my own mind that they’re linage is the old Branchline Yard Master Series kits. It would certainly appear so. The end pieces and all the rest of that parts are exactly the same as I remember the Yardmaster kits. These kits build into very nicely detailed and higher and more prototypically accurate cars than the old Blue Box Athearn and MDC cars.
I’m uncertain if all Trainman cars are kits. (Anyone know if they are also RTR or not?) Since I only have interest in purchasing car kits, this information is important to me and I have added Atlas Trainman to my list of kit producers.
You are exactly correct. Atlas purchased the Branch Line rolling stock about 2-3 years ago, and have been integrating them into their existing lines. Most Trainman cars are RTR - at least the existing Atlas Trainman line at this point. Atlas stated that they were going to initially offer the Branch Line cars both as kits and RTR. If the kits sold well, they would continue kit production.
Many of the ‘high end’ manufacturers(Exactrail/Tangent) have stated that they are going to offer undecorated ‘kits’ with the 1st run of a new car. If they sell well, they may consider kits in the future.
I knew that Trainman rolling stock was RTR but I was surprised to find out a month or two ago that some of them came in kit form. I’m now pleased to find out that Atlas has incorporated the old Branchline Yardmaster car into that line.
Does anyone happen to know if Atlas either does or will be offering the old Branchline “Blueprint” cars as kits? These were the more ‘craftsman’ style kits than the Yardmaster, more like the old Intermountain or Red Caboose kits.
Though I’m really happy to see the “Yardmaster” kits back in production.
Recently had occasion to call into my LHS, (which is no longer that local, 70 mile round trip), to find much to my surprise 4 of these kits. The surprise being that the LHS owner doesn’t hold too many kits, don’t sell that well, and that I’d never seen this brand of kit before. Went and bought 2.
Having cut my teeth on the Athearn BB and MDC kits I would have to generally agree with NP 2626 assessment, “These kits build into very nicely detailed and higher and more prototype accurate cars than the old Blue Box Athearn and MDC cars.”
Moans;-the different colour of the parts where removed from the sprue; -the roof walk locating pins were too short,did not locate in the holes in the roof.
However would I buy more if they were of a road and prototype that I wanted ?? YES, actually wish now I had bought the other two. While not being “craftsman kits” they definitely, in my opinion, have niche to fill in the hobby, and will be added to my list of Kit manufacturers.
Atlas has slowly been introducing the former Blueprint cars into their RTR offerings under the “Atlas Master” series, in both decorated and undecorated versions. I don’t think I’ve seen any of those listed as kits yet, but check the Atlas site http://www.atlasrr.com/newho.htm for availability (maybe my LHS isn’t interested in stocking kits). If you know the old Branchline cars, you’ll recognize the re-releases.
Edit - next post provided a direct link to the kits.
This, along with the Atlas Trainman kits, puts Atlas right up there as a very strong producer of freight and passenger car kits, for which I am truly grateful.
To bad that the possibility exists (because model railroaders seem to lack interest in putting models together anymore) these lines will be turned into another line of RTR stuff!
I don’t think the Yardmaster cars will become Trainman RTR any time soon if that happens we will loose a line of nice entry level car kits which IMHO would be a tragedy.
What would keep these lines from becoming RTR, if model railroaders don’t want/buy kits? Just because you and I don’t want this to happen, doesn’t have much to do with what will happen!
Well it looks like the kits must be selling because Atlas just announced new paint schemes. Should be available Q2. Now lets see if they make a move beyond just 1 model box car.
However, even at $13.95 (kit) and $17.95 to$21.95 (RTR) suggested retail prices for these Atlas products, for those who love to build model kits, it’s not really about the price savings: kit vs RTR! it’s an enjoyable past time/stress reliever. There is pride in your workmanship that can never be a part of simply buying a Ready to Run car and plopping it down on the layout.
I wish RTR was that simple.The majority of the RTR cars come with inferior couplers that needs to be changed out to KDs and then there’s the matter of painting those shiny wheel faces…Some like the KD cars are to shiny and they need toned down with a coat or two of dullcote.
As I mention before if I decide to back date my railroad I will be buying a lot of Accurail kits along with the Trainman Kits.
The fact that you change to Kadees, maybe doesn’t mean everyone else does. Every car I have and even the 4-5 RTR cars, get weathered this includes paint and weathering of both sides of the wheels, the axles between the wheels and the trucks, everything gets weathered! All this a factor I include in why would I buy RTR? The most detailed car ever built will still look out of place unless some weathering is done to it.
I have nothing yet, still find myself squabiling over N or HO, but my taste in model railroading is refining more into actual modeling. (Atlas) Trainline has announced kit for 1937 AAR 40’ box.
So, even if the OP is still left in the dark, all my questions have been answered and concerns have been mulled. Thanks guys. I plan to pick up a few of these car kits (kit cars?).
Making a comment about the Original Poster of this thread without having read the original post, drives me to make a comment about you being the only contributor to this thread, “Left in the Dark”!