Attention all Rock Throwers!

He’s b-a-a-c-k!


All of you that were upset with Mark about his comings and goings, can now direct your questions to him personally on the forum.

It is an interesting story!


What is Mark doing in Iraq, is he in our armed forces…if so GOD BLESS HIM AND KEEP HIM AND ALL THE OTHERS SAFE!

So, what is the story? Can it be said in a few words (a nutshell)?

He’s train watching! Really!

(He will have to explain it. I will just mess it all up!)

I’ll be impatiently waiting [8D]

I got some rocks, but I’m using them on my layout. [:p]

Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter!!!



Me too, and I never threw any rocks!

I’m not a rock thrower and I will be watching this space for further developments.

Lets just say if he were wearing brass, most of us would have to salute him!
What he is doing is well worth the effort, and well worth all of our support.
Lets just say he is getting a hands on experience that most of us, myself included, would envy!


We’re not talking about the pool now, are we?


He did say skimpy, didnt he?


If csxenginer gets that story, he might be heading out that way too. LOL

I was not a public rock thrower until now, I did have a private e-mail discussion with one member. Mark is a very knowledgeable person about railroading, both the operational and business sides. He has plenty of real life experience in the industry which makes him an expert, one that people want to hear/read his knowledge and opinion. He is a good guy and I had a few private e-mail exchanges with him.

Mark made a big mistake using his real name as a screen name on this forum. By removing his posts he destroyed hundreds of threads that were very valuable, most don’t make sense any longer and in many cases the important information is gone because it was contributed my Mark. Had he used a screen name the information would probably still be here.

Those of us that have a passion for research and learning from that research truly value this forum and the past threads. If research was not an issue then Kalmbach might as well drop all past threads after ninety days and recapture the server storage space.

I am very happy to have Mark contribute and wish him the best in his new endeavor, I hope he is more responsible with his posts this time around so they can reside here for many years to come. I also pray for his safety.

Thanks for listening/reading, now you can throw the rocks at me.
