Re Auto racks… when did the railroads stop transporting automobiles in box cars and start using auto racks. What is the timeline for what type of autorack was used during what period especially the early to mid 50’s. Interested only in bi-level.
Also Bachmaan’s auto rack, what period is it from and is it a representation of an actual car.
Gene in Mississippi
in the early and mid fifties, multi-level auto racks cars were not yet in use to any extent. i think it was around 1957 or maybe 1960 before they started showing up on the railroads. if you go to the CNW historical society web site and take a look and vol number one issue number 1 there is a interesting bit about autos loaded on highway trailers and the trailers loaded onto flat cars. it is worth a look.
Stock up on automobile box cars. “In the transportation of automobiles, Southern Pacific pioneered the open bi- and tri-level ‘Auto-Pack’ rail cars in 1960 …” (Page 20 of Summer 2010 SP Trainline). I believe the last SP acquisition of automobile box cars was in 1955.