Autoreverser help!

Ok, so I have a LK-100 autoreverser hooked up to my reversing loop and now I have my yard working, and I noticed the following. If I run trains slow, they get stuck over the gaps… (see pic) If the train is moving quickly, it kind of stutters but then goes. When a train is stuck as below, the autoreverser just keeps clicking…

This is a diagram of when they are stuck. I have tried adjusting the autoreverser settings, to no avail. I run a DCC NCE Pro 5A system on HO. Below is my trackplan with the autoreverse gaps in red.

TIA for any help… I am trying to figure how to make the trains run over the autoreversing section at slower speeds without stuttering… Is it miswired? Do I have to tinker more with the settings??? Very confused…



Are the gaps in the rails exactly parallel as in your drawing? I use the DCC Specialties auto-reverser…the instructions say specifically to stagger the gaps about 1/8" out of parallel. That might be your problem…

Don Z.

Edit: After looking over your drawing again, it appears you have a reversing loop on the outer track that isn’t gapped…I wonder if that’s causing part of your trouble.

I have never used an LK-100, but it seems most strange. Do the locos stutter and get stuck at all three locations? Are they doing this when entering and leaving the reversing section? Do they do it both directions?

The LK100 manual does say of the adjustment POT, “If the setting is too low, (the pot turned towards the AUS side of the LK100) the LK100 Automatic Reversing Unit LK100 will tend to chatter, because the locomotive load is triggering the LK100 automatic reversing relays.”

Yes they are straight. Hmmm…mayhap I will try that… keep the thoughts coming…

So, I tried alternating the gaps by 1/8" it seemed to help a bit… I also added automotive lightbulbs, as the new manual requests… I noticed that the short light on my PS2 comes on… do I need to lengthen the short time or increase the amperage??? Any thoughts?


The reverser needs to trip before the booster shorts. So, if you can increase the sensitivity of the booster, it would be good. It should trip when the first wheel crosses the gap, not when whole trucks have passed. I will try to look at some docs later and see what I can come up with.

Figured it out!!! WHEEWW!! It was my PSTwo… I needed to set sub region to 30 milliseconds delay instead of the default 10…the original docs for the PSTwo did not say this, but the new ones do! I wonder if I need those tail lights now… Guess I will leave them in, sit it works sweet now… I can make my stuff cross at like 1 scale mph and they keep going smooothly… THANKS for all the ideas and help!


You may not have enough power to the module. My (MRC A540) clattered like that until I upped the power.

Just to be perfectly clear, you have set the power station so it does not react to a short circuit for 30 milliseconds? This gives the auto-reverser enough time to react first and correct the problem.

Yes, I set the delay to 0.03 (30ms) on the PSTwo… to do this I connected pins 3 and 4 on JP3 (see below) for the 2nd subdistrict,

…as well as put two tail lamps in series with the autoreverser… Interestingly my book at home (~2005) does NOT say to do this, but the new version does… (see page 24 in pdf below)

Hope this helps others and clarifies my fix…


Am I understanding correctly if I assume the autoreverser you used does not come with a built in circuit breaker like the PS-Rev or the newer PSX-AR?

Don Z.

Looking up the review on Tony’s site, that’s true. But that isn’t critical, as long as there is protection somewhere.

In any autoreverser case there are two things (well, more than that, but for starters) that can prevent it from working. If the booster can’t supply the current it needs to see to sense the short (On Guard) the autoreverser won’t work. Or if, as in this case, the circuit protection ahead of the booster kicks in before the boosters senses the short. Since the booster has to see a short to work, there is a bit of a balancing act going on. (An exception to this is Loy’s reverser, but I don’t know if it is available any more).

Yeah, I bought this one before Tony had the PSX-AR… And yes, quite the balancing act it is!!!
