I would like to post my APRail herald as my avatar, but I don’t know how. Could anyone help, please?
Forgive me, but what’s an Avatar?
that is something in your profile, like Bergie has under his name when he posts
we mere mortals are not allowed to have avatarts on this forum.
OTOH; you could make a link to the picture in your signature
Do I have to link it to a website?(Stupid question, right?)
I am not technologically advanced. I don’t even have a home computer. I’m at school now.
Why don’t we have avatars anyway? Here is an example of mine on a truck forum I visit…
Yes you need to store your photo somewhere on the net and make a link to it. We cant, and you wouldnt want, us to go into your computer to see the image. A place that comes to mind to store your pic is www.villagephotos.com It dont cost nothin either.
Avatars aren’t available in this forum, but you can post it as an image in your signature like mine are. You just need the photos posted on an internet site (like webshots) to insert them in your signature.
Since avatars aren’t available in this forum, how come it has a slot for an avatar in the profile?
I think that is an option in the forum software used, that the Kalmbach crew has blocked
maybe uploading avatars uses harddisk-space and could cause copyright issues
I do not want to be a spoilsport UP/Santafe, but the pics in your sig show up as the infamous red X
I know that the photos don’t show up if you aren’t logged in, but they show up on my posts on my computer when I am, and I am able to see the photos in other’s posts and signatures.
Enlighten me, am I the only one that sees these pics in my signature?
Appearently so, because I haven’t seen them yet. Where are they stored? If they are just on your computer, they become like the light in the refrigerator. You always see them when you open the door. Those of us “in the refrigerator” are still in the dark. They need to be stored in a location on the web in order to be on all the time.
I see the red X’s…
The photos are on my Webshots page, I would think they would show up.
Red X’s here
Looks like the yearbook we produced for the Witness Protection Group back when I worked at Jostens in Central Pennsylvania.
If they are on Webshots already, then the URL you are using is just not quite right. Others have had this problem, but I forget the solution. Then again, I forget if Webshots is the one who does not allow photo linking. Somebody knows.
You know how some things just hit you as really funny? The timing has to be right, you have to be in the right mood, all that. Everything lined up just right for me when I read this post and I laughed out loud. That just makes me laugh. Thanks!
up_santafe, is this one of the pics you wanted?
I am only using school computers at the moment, and I can see the red X on the older computers, but the ones that are new this year I can see your logos and glorius DV&W F-Unit on.
lupo, the pic that you posted is the famous red X to me, even on this new computer.
In fact, when I copy lupos’ picture, I can paste it into Word,and I do believe it is one of those pics
Here is a link that will show how you can post your pic in the signature line