B.C. Hydro Spur Line In Burnaby B.C.

I know that B.C. Hydro is now or was Rail Link. Last time I was in Burnaby I used to take Skytrain out to the first station in Surrey so I could keep an eye on the number of railcars parked on sidings along their spur line that ran near Kingsway. The last time I was out there was 1995, I noticed the rail line no longer ran to Joyce Station and the line ran only to near the Patterson Line in Burnaby. Now it looks as if the whole line is no longer in use. What was the reasoning or decision behind this? When I was a youngster I used to love this line for the variety of railcars on the sidings.

Hi Doc, better late than never I guess…

I lived in the Edmonds area in the early 90’s and would hear (and when lucky enough see) the odd train coming up the hill. I recall that line used to be a through line to Vancouver but was constantly being cut back. When I moved away, although the track was still in as far as Metro Town, there was very little use. And looking at it now, with all the urbanization I can understand why the line is not in use. The condo I lived in was built on the site of an old glass factory, and the whole neighborhood was light to medium industry but by the late 80’s that was all gone and condos/town houses were going up as Burnaby tried to change the area.

So I would guess no traffic being generated, and the need to store railcars can be managed elsewhere; also the crossing of Stewardson Way (and other streets) would be a nightmare with the traffic levels now. No income from rail, no business case to maintain the railway and associated safety appliances. Will have to go for a drive next time I am back in the old 'hood and see whats up.

Ah, some fond memories…