B&O and C&O coil hood decals

Anyone know where to get some, of if they are available. Microscale, for one, does not list such an item, at least under that description. Thanks- Mike

At the following link (http://www.trainweb.org/chessie/paints.htm) the author indicates that Overland Models at one time had a set of decals for a Chessie Coil Car. You have to scroll almost all the way to the bottom of the page to see the reference under the decal section.

I think that it would be highly unlikely that Overland would still have these, and I didn’t see any reference to them on their website. On the other hand, it doesn’t cost much to send them an e-mail and ask. One never knows.

In addition, the following link shows some modeled chessie coil cars, http://www.trainweb.org/chessie/coilcars.htm. I would think that you should be able to cobble up decals to do a car by combining what you might find in Chessie gondola, flat car, or box car sets.

In addition to the Overland decals, Ambroid had a set (made by Walthers, I believe) in their “1 in 5000” wood kit of this car from the early sixties. And yes, they are realitively crude, compared to what’s possible today. But it is an alternative, that is how I lettered my Overland coil car that I had (and since sold). I see these kits on ebay from time to time at not unreasonable prices, pitch the kit and use the decals.
