Help I am looking for the names of the Blue and Yellow that the B&O used on their bay window caboose. This is the blue sides and yellow ends with the capitol dome decals. I found that I can have a transfer run to my yard. I have an Athearn GP35 in the blue scheme and I need a caboose to match.
Much of what is shown here is only the Chessie repaints, but many origional B&O pics are present also.
C&O/ B&O enchantment (blue) is very hard to find. Scalecoat II dark blue is close. If weathering this caboose an exact match is not that critical. The blue would fade, so if the color ends up slightly off or a bit light it will work.
Well I plan on using an Athearn B/W caboose. I have an undecorated on hand that I can paint and decal. I am a 95% modeler so anything close will work for me
I actually painted and lettered 3 of these. If you want the no. correct, check out the Dean Heacock’s, Chessie Photo archives linked above. They are the C-3000 series. Microscale has a great set of decals for this.
Shave off the molded grabs, remove the roof walk (can use etched if you still want one) Most roof walks were gone by the era of your GP35, and add wire grabs, I modified the end railings with brass.015 and .019 wire (soldered or CAed) a little added brake rigging and tool box. Add lighting and end up with a very nice caboose that is fairly close to the prototype. The pics off this list will help you out with any of the detail you may want to add
Just scroll down to the C-3000s, they are mixed in the list. And of coarse this is a Chessie photo archives so many are in the Chessie paint.
Here’s one, but in a more recent paint/ markings. Gives some idea about detailing