B&O K-Line Die Cast Gondola, #652-1091road #300913, Need Help

I have ordered the shoulder screws that attach the truck to the undercarriage from K-Line twice and twice they have sent the wrong item.
If anyone on the forum has this item can you do a favor for me. The 4-40 screws on mine have a shoulder length of 3/32 but K-Line keeps sending screws with a shoulder length of 1/4 inch. Would you measure the shoulder length on your die cast gondola to see if they match the ones on mine or the ones that they send. I don’t know which is really correct, is my car an oddball, which I purchased used, or is K-line off base.
Thanks for your help. [?]
Probably any of the die-cast gondolas with the same 652 prefix would be the same regardless of roadname.