Bachman e-z command

That Dynamis is supposed to be a do all, run all, full blown system you can change CV’s with like any of the top line systems. I just can’t get past that controller. It looks like it would be very awkward as a hand held. I kind of like the idea of 2 speed controls but I think you can do that with a Digitrax too. (I think)

Hum Wire Less for $300.00. Does look a little hard to handle but Radio hand held for the Zepher is $185.00 and added $160.00 for the Zepher and other needed stuff to make make it work.

Far as the MRC Power Station 8 goes, 8 amps for $120.00 is a steal and it will work with all DCC system that is made as of 6 weeks ago.

Cuda Ken

Do you wire the decoder or are you useing the plug in. I am trying to wire my loco up and I want front and rear headlights. But I can only figure out how to get only the front light to light up. Any ideas on this?

I usually wire my lights so that they get their power straight from the trucks. As for the decoder wiring, all mine are hard-wired.